
Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. I’ve learned that asking questions isn’t a sign of weakness; rather, it demonstrates curiosity, engagement and intelligence."


Thursday, September 29, 2016

How to Make Your Breasts Beautiful with Exercises

As centuries pass by, the standards of a beautiful bosom have changed a number of times, today a perfect bust is considered the one with a shape that remains the same no matter what movements your body performs. Hence, a beautiful bosom is considered the one with high breasts, regardless of their size; the main point of a beautiful bust is its tone. The perfect workout for improving the tone and appearance of your breasts is swimming, the second alternative, in case there is no way to practice this sport, is to see a fitness trainer or do some simple but effective exercises, which will help you strengthen the pectoral muscles by yourself.

Exercise 1 for Beautiful Breasts. Pressure

Applying pressure is the simplest exercise for your bust. Stand tall facing the wall, lean against it with your hands. Press against the wall as hard as you can, as if you want to move it, keep on pushing for 10 seconds. Relax, shake your hands. Do a set of 10 repetitions.

Exercise 2 for Beautiful Breasts. Elbows Touch

Stand tall, bend your hands slightly in the elbows, keep your hands on your hips. Try to touch your elbows one to the other behind your back, do not do it in jerks, but rather do it slowly, stretching the muscles for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 8 times.

Exercise 3 for Beautiful Breasts. Palms Pressing

The next exercise for beautiful breasts is as follows: join your palms in front of the chest and press them hard against each other for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise 4 for Beautiful Breasts. “Dry” Breast-Stroke

If you can not go to a swimming pool, do this effective exercise to improve the tone of your breast. Stand tall, nestle up to the wall, squeeze the pectoral muscles and make movements, as if you are breast-stroke swimming. Do a hundred slow strokes, keep your pectoral muscles tense all the time.

Finishing Exercises for Beautiful Breasts with Posture Exercise

The best way to finish this set of exercises for your bust is to do an exercise which targets your posture. Pick up a heavy book, put it on your head and walk around the house for a few minutes like that, trying to keep it as a crown. This will help you relax the muscles effectively and give them the necessary working tone. If you can not walk like that, at least try standing with the book on your head. You can hold on to a chair or the wall, but do not lean against the wall.

Where Do Women with the Biggest Breasts Live?

The Triumph company that produces underwear has conducted an annual survey in Europe, which shows where the women with the biggest breasts live. According to the results, British women are the bustiest, and only in Britain bras with the cups of size D are in demand.

Breasts, boobs, bra

Marketers have found that 57% of the British women wear size D bras. For example, the British sex symbol, model and actress Kelly Brook, whose breasts were recently named “the most beautiful breasts in cinematography.” The second place was taken by the Germans, where 50% of women have breast size D. They were followed by the female residents of the Netherlands with 36%, The Sun reports.
Women with very small breasts are residents of Sweden and Switzerland, where 14% of the women have size A breast, whereas in Italy, 68% of the Italian women have size B bras.
The producers of lingerie note that the today’s fashion is “full breasts” that do not look thin and flat.

The breast size of European women has been ranked as follows:

  • The UK – 57%-D, 18%-C, 19%-B, 6%-A
  • Denmark – 50%-D, 19%-C, 24%-B, 7%-A
  • The Netherlands – 36%-D, 27%-C, 29%-B, 8%-A
  • Belgium -28%-D, 28%-C, 35%-B, 9%-A
  • France – 26%-D, 29%-C, 38%-B, 7%-A
  • Sweden – 24%-D, 30%-C, 33%-B, 14%-A
  • Greece – 23%-D, 28%-C, 40%-B 9%-A
  • Switzerland – 19%-D, 24%-C, 43%-B, 14%-A
  • Austria – 11%-D, 27%-C, 51%-B, 10%-A
  • Italy – 10%-D, 21%-C, 68%-B, 1%-A
By the way, the survey shows that most men do not like artificially enlarged bust. The survey conducted in Britai, denies the usual stereotype that men like big breasts.
Men prefer ladies looking more natural than the beauties with big silicone breasts. 85% of men aged 18 to 34 told the experts conducting the survey that they hated plastic surgery and considered silicone breasts unattractive. Sky News reports that women seem to have underestimated many men.
But there are ways to make your breasts a bit bigger and more attractive without any breast enlargement surgery by doing breast exercises.

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