
Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. I’ve learned that asking questions isn’t a sign of weakness; rather, it demonstrates curiosity, engagement and intelligence."


Saturday, October 1, 2016

Behold, the Woman With the Most Perfect Body According to Science!

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The perfect female body.
Does it exist? Scientifically, yes.
If that’s not surprising, wait till you see what said perfect body actually looks like. It’s nothing like what the fashion industry might have you thinking, that’s for sure.
Researchers at the University of Texas say the perfect female body measures 1.68 meters in height. The bust/weight/hip measurements are 99-63-91.
In case you don’t have the ability to automatically picture the female body types based on measurements, that looks like this.
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That woman is Kelly Brook. She’s a 34-year-old model and actress from England.
Most people would refer to her as “plump.” That’s what talent scouts said when Brook first tried to break into the modeling world.
But, according to scientists, Brook’s all-natural body is perfect in terms of attractiveness.
And what makes attractiveness so important, you ask? Well, it signifies the most important trait a human can have, scientifically speaking – fertility.
After all, the primary function of individuals in any species is to support future generations – a full figure communicates one’s efficiency at doing just that through not only pregnancy but feeding as well.
Men are attracted to women whose facial and body characteristics – like Kelly Brook’s – are associated with youth and good health.
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This attraction transcends culture. Studies have shown that even when two men come from entirely different backgrounds, they will likely be attracted to the same woman with more youthful, healthy characteristics.
So why all the skinny models, then?
Because they’re trying to sell clothes, not convey fertility.
That’s according to Jennifer Lee, who formerly worked for top designer Karl Lagerfield, the head of Chanel.
Fashion models are hired based on their ability to highlight the lines and structure of the clothing they wear. That’s why we see very few women in the industry who look like Kelly Brook.
But while thin supermodels might make a flowing dress look good on the runway, scientifically – as the study involving Kelly Brook has shown – most men would prefer a woman several times larger.
Being too skinny is an indicator of unhealthiness and can lead to a variety of problems. Being too large isn’t good either; finding a healthy balance is key.
What do you think about the idea of there being an “ideal body size?” Let us know in the comments!
Check out the video below to learn about female body types and history.

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