We have friends from every phase of our life. Some are emotional, some are practical. Then there are those we have lost touch with and the ones who always manage to be by our side. Whoever they are and whatever role they play in our lives, they always make us smile! Here are a few types of friends we all should cherish:
1. The Wise Owl Who Always Has The Right Thing To Say
If you want to be counselled while feeling supported and be cared for at the same time, you can always count on this friend. They never fail to offer you the best advice in any situation.

2. The Friend From A Different Culture
If everyone had a friend from a different culture, the world would be a much better place. Be ready to explore customs, values, and traditions outside of your own culture, and of course, have a lot of fun!

3. The Friend Whose Laughter Is Funnier Than The Joke
They laugh hard and don't care about what the world is thinking. Their carefree, bindaas attitude is what makes them so adorable!

4. The Always-Excited Friend
You will realize that this friend of yours never really grew up. He/She often behaves like a baby in public and sometimes even annoys you. But, admit it, no one can entertain you better!

5. The Selfie-Obsessed Friend
These shutterbugs love to capture each and every moment of their lives on film, or rather, their smartphones. And if you're hanging out with them, you don't get a say in the matter, you are getting selfied!

6. The Shopping-Obsessed Fashionista
This is one friend whose wardrobe you wish you could steal! When you need fashion advice, you have this person to rush to.

7. The Gossipmonger
This one is sure to entertain you with the best stories (both real and made-up) about every single person you know and don't know.

8. The 'Funny' One
However intense may be the situation, they have a joke to lighten it. These people find humor in everything!

9. The One Who Doesn't Give A Damn
This is the coolest friend you'll have. They'll do what they want and when they want. They'll get into trouble and take you along with them. So even if you have to rein them in once in a while, their care-free attitude is something that keeps you in high spirits.

10. The Social Butterfly
Your most popular friend who's part of several groups and constantly flits from one to the other. They know the best places to party and are great to party with!

When it comes to friends, you know what they say... "The more, the merrier."
However, the more friends you have, the lesser are the chances that you know them completely. Sometimes, even the closest of friends can surprise you with facts about their lives you may not have even imagined. So just call up that buddy you've been wanting to hang out with. Go bond over a McDonald's Maharaja Mac, let the conversations flow and get to know each other all over again!
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