
Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. I’ve learned that asking questions isn’t a sign of weakness; rather, it demonstrates curiosity, engagement and intelligence."


Tattoo Artists Cover Breast Cancer Survivors’ Scars With Beautiful Tattoos

While tattoos have become super trendy in recent years, with many people getting ridiculously inked up with seemingly no rhyme nor reason, there is a form of tattooing which serves a very cool purpose, adding beauty and art in place of the scars and the difficult ordeals of mastectomies.
This has served as a huge psychological boost for many who have had to go through this difficult procedure. It’s a sort of reclaiming of one’s own body. There’s actually a website called P.Ink which has assisted women and tattoo artists to hook up with one another, and come up with artistic beautifying ideas, symbolizing the conquering of the situation, while moving forward in a positive manner.
David Allen is a tattoo artist who speaks highly of the process:
“What was clinical became beautiful again… we turned sterile into sensual. We took back control.”
Indeed. And right on for using the art of tattoo in a truly symbolic and significant manner that changes the individual for the better.
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